At A Glance
- Year Established: 2002
- Location: Boston, MA
- Campus Size: 5 Acres
- Type of School: Private HS. CO-ED
- Website:
- Grades: 6-12
- Total Enrollment: 245
- High School Population: 158
- International Student Ratio: 20%
- Chinese Student Ratio: 15%
- Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:7
- Faculty Number: 34
- Faculty with Higher Degree: 68%
- Average Class Size: 14
- AP Courses: 12
- Number of AP Courses Required to Graduate: 3
- College Matriculation: 99%
- Accreditation: NEASC
- Admission Requirement: TOEFL+Interview
At Boston Trinity Academy, we know and love every student, guiding and challeng- ing each one to thrive as a whole person.
The school’s motto is VIA, VERITAS, VITA, the way, the truth, and the life, which becomes the integration of faith, learning, and service in our curriculum. The combination of a strong faith culture, demanding academics, and service to others refines character and unites a community with social, economic, and racial differ- ences. The result of our educational philosophy is a community of learners who love and serve others.
Boston Trinity Academy educates students from diverse backgrounds in an academically demanding, Christ-centered community, inspiring them to lead lives of faith, integrity, and service.
To that end, Boston Trinity Academy:
Knows and cares for each student, based on the love of Jesus Christ
Promotes rigorous scholarship that integrates faith and learning
Recruits students and families from all social, economic, and racial backgrounds Teaches Christian principles in order to transform society and the world
Graduates students distinguished by their intellect, leadership, and moral character
Academic Requirement:
English, History, Biblical Studies, World Languages, Mathematics, Science, Visual Art
AP Courses:
English Literature and Composition, English Language and Composition, United States History, European History, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Psychology, Biology, and more.
Musical Arts: Choir, Chamber Ensemble, Jazz Band
Visual Arts: The elements of Art, Design and Imagination, Art Around the World, Identity and Pop Culture, 2D Media, Studio Art
Performing Arts: More than half our students perform in Middle School and Upper School choirs, the Chapel band, Jazz Band, Drama Club and dramatic productions.
Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Cross-Country, Softball, Lacrosse, Baseball
Other Co-Curricular Activities
Yearbook Committee, Student Council, The International Club, and more.
Where Our Graduates Go
Harvard University, MIT, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, New York University, Northwestern University, Tufts University, Boston College, Brown University, Northeastern University, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Pennsylvania State University, Syracuse University, Boston University, Michigan State University, Indiana University at Bloomington, and more.