At A Glance
- Year Established: 1984
- Location: Pottstown, PA
- Type of School: Private HS. CO-ED
- Campus Size: 50 Acres
- Website:
- Grades: Pre K-12
- Total Enrollment: 310
- Chinese Students Population: 14
- Average Class Size: 16
- Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:8
- AP Classes: 9
- Average SAT Score: 1725
- College Matriculation: 98%
- ESL Program: Yes
- Admission Requirments: SLEP OR TOEFL+Skype Interview
Part of our goal as a classical Christian school is to ensure that our students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them to go beyond mastery of a single subject, but instead prepares them for success. One distinction between a classical education and a liberal arts education is the emphasis placed on science and math.
Our high school program has a track record of excellence in Christian education and enjoys a strong reputation in the broader educational community. As a CCS student, your child will be educated in a classical curriculum that is authentically Christian, deliberately integrating the Christian worldview into all disciplines and all extracurricular programs. Our college preparatory record speaks for itself with 98% of our graduates attending four year colleges and earning the highest 10-year SAT score average of all reporting high schools in the tri-county area. Still, it is not those statistics that matter most to us, nor to you. What matters most is that your child and all of our alumni go on to live lives that bear witness to the transforming power of God in their lives.
Coventry Christian Schools exists to partner with parents in a community of academic excellence, nurturing young people in faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ, equipping them to serve God and others.
Graduation Requirements
Bible 4, English 4, Math 4, Science 4, Social Sciences 4, Languages 2, Technology 1, Fine Arts 1, Health/PE 1, Electives 4
Sports and Athletics
Soccer, Basketball, Cross Country, Volleyball, Golf, and Softball
Drama Productions, Chorus, Band, and Fine Art Competitions
Mission Trips, Backpacking Trips, Interscholastic Sports, Youth and Government, Science Fair, Chorus, Drama, Band, Spirit Squad (Cheer), Weight Training, Journalism, Yearbook, Literary Criticism, Scientific Research, Historical Research, Chess Club, Engineering, Creative Writing, Studio Art, Health and Fitness Extensions, Computer Science (These clubs may be subject to change based on annual participation)
Where Our Graduates Go
Arizona State University, Boston University, Penn State University, Temple University, University of Arizona, University of Illinois, Washington University, Binghamton University, Drexel University, Georgia Tech, Lehigh University, Pepperdine University, University of Maryland, University of Pittsburgh, and more.