At A Glance
- Year Established: 1925
- Location: Medford, MA
- Type of School: Private HS. CO-ED
- Website:
- Grades: Pre K-12
- Total Enrollment: 265
- Average Class Size: 15
- Chinese Students: 30
- ESL Program: Yes
- AP Classes: 3
- Honors Classes: 12
- Accreditation: NEASC
- Admission: TOEFL iBT or SLATE-Plus+Interview
Saint Clement School strives to provide a college preparatory, Catholic education in a small, structured environment that recognizes and develops the unique giftedness of all students as members of a global society, helps them to achieve full spiritual and academic potential, and guides them to become lifelong learners continuing to live out the school’s motto of Non Sibi Sed Omnibus, Not for One- self, but for All.
St. Clement School strives to bring innovative, high-quality online high school courses to students by overcoming student scheduling challenges. Currently, there are over 200 full semester and year-long online courses available through VHS. Through these internet-based courses, we can significantly enhance curricular offerings while integrating technology skills into the curriculum.
All courses are delivered by certified instructors and move forward on a weekly calendar schedule so students can not finish early at an accelerated pace. VHS course design standards ensure that all courses have a high level of peer-to-peer interaction, so students learn from their peers as well as the instructor.
Course of Study
Theology, English, Mathematics, Sciences, Foreign Language, Social Studies, Physical Education, Electives
Honors Courses
English, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Spanish
AP Courses
Calculus, Biology, English Literature & Composition (Other AP courses can take through Virtual High School)
Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Tennis
Activities and Clubs
Model UN, Chinese Culture, Book Club, Chess Club, Gaming Club, and more. (Clubs may be subject to change based on annual participation)
Where Our Graduates Go
Bentley College, Boston College, Boston University, Emerson College, Mass. College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Rhode Island College, Sacred Heart University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Boston, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and more.